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Ontario Sex Work News

On October 3, 2022, the Ontario Superior Court dismissed a constitutional challenge launched by the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform (CASWLR) against Canada's criminal laws on sex work.

Justice Robert Goldstein ruled that the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), brought in by the former Conservative government, is constitutional and balances prohibition of "the most exploitative aspects of the sex trade" while protecting sex workers from legal prosecution.

CASWLR argued that the laws foster stigma, invite targeted violence, and prevent sex workers from obtaining meaningful consent before engaging with clients, violating the industry workers' Charter rights.

In his decision, Goldstein found that the laws are constitutional and do not prevent sex workers from taking safety measures, engaging the services of non-exploitative third parties, or seeking police assistance without fear of being charged for selling or advertising sexual services.

CASWLR's national coordinator Jenn Clamen called the ruling "extremely dismissive of sex workers' realities and the concerns that were raised." She also noted that the ruling is "dismissive of the evidence where sex workers, particularly migrant sex workers and Black sex workers, submitted evidence to demonstrate how sex workers are being arrested under third-party laws."

Monica Forrester, an outreach coordinator at Maggie's Sex Work Action Project and a plaintiff in the case, said the ruling is "very disappointing" but she's not surprised by it. She noted that the applicants knew going into the challenge that there would be obstacles, but were also hoping that the court would look at some of the revisions in the laws currently that are affecting sex workers and the work that they do.

Forrester said, "This is not over. We're going to continue to fight for the decriminalization of sex work and to look at a push on why these laws make it unsafe for sex workers."

The CASWLR plans to appeal the ruling.

Community rallies in support of woman violently sexually assaulted last month

That rallying call rang through Barton Street East on Friday night as dozens of community members marched in a showing of support for a sex worker who was sexually assaulted and beaten last month.

“The law in Canada exacerbates and reproduces harms,” said Vermilion. “So long as the act of engaging in sex for money is illegal, sex workers will not see police as allies in moments when we need them.”

Vermilion also called on community members to advocate for the rights of sex workers in the city, especially those who are street-based.

The victim’s mother said the attack left her daughter with a broken jaw, a broken nose, three brain bleeds and many stitches. She’s also still having difficulty speaking and cannot use her arms, noted the mother, who will not be named by The Spectator due to the nature of the incident.

Twenty Nine year old Oakville man charged after allegedly trafficking three women into sex work. The police allege the man controlled the lives of the victims and profited financially.

An Ontario Superior Court judge has declared unconstitutional legal provisions that ban sex workers from being able to work safely, including by being able to advertise on third-party platforms, hire security, work together and communicate with clients.

Superior Court Justice Phillip Sutherland ruled Wednesday that a set of criminal offences introduced by the federal Conservatives in 2014, related to advertising, procurement and material benefit from sex work, are immediately of no force and effect.


This is a partial victory, it does not address the purchase of sexual services

A Toronto man is facing several charges after police say three sex trade workers were robbed at gunpoint.

According to police, Benhur Wolday, 27, contacted a sex worker through an online ad on May 29.

He met with her on several occasions, but on their final meeting, police say he pulled a gun and robbed the 18-year-old of cash.

The event was organized by students in a community engagement class to raise funds for the Willow Women’s Center in Vanier—an organization that provides a safe space and harm reduction services for women who do street-level sex work in Ottawa. 

Panellists voiced their frustrations around the lack of government and agency action on protecting sex workers and instead focusing on rescuing perceived victims of trafficking.  

A judge is expected to decide today whether some of Canada's prostitution laws violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

The case revolves around a London, Ont., couple who ran Fantasy World Escorts. 

The agency was busted in 2015 and Tiffany Harvey and Hamad Anwar were charged with procuring, advertising and profiting from the sale of sexual services of others — all illegal under Canada's 2014 prostitution laws.