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VIP Escort Agency - Charlize


I am truly everything an escort should be. You will be delighted by my class, enthusiasm and true desire to build up a professional relationship with you. I love getting to know my clients and seeing my clientele on a regular basis. You will find me to be the perfect long term companion and playmate. Genuinely enjoying my job and being with you, as much as you enjoy being with me. We will certainly be laughing the hours away and finding many ways to pleasure each other in the bedroom. Be that some old favourites or exploring new ideas together. Whatever you desire, i can most certainly put a smile on your face and have you yearning to come back for more. I am truly looking forward to meeting you in person and showing you what a truly sensational escort I am.


30 Minutes 100
1 Hour 180
2 Hours 360
Additional Hour 150
Over Night 1200
1 Hour 200
2 Hours 400
Additional Hour 170
Over Night 1500


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